C++ Notes - SFINAE & std::enable_if SFINAE is the abbreviation of "substitution ... 2023-10-07 C/C++ Notes #Original #C++ #Windowss
Houdini Notes - Hotkeys & Shortcuts Hotkeys and shortcuts 2023-03-03 Houdini Notes #Original #Houdini #VFX
The Quest for Tranquility and Satisfaction - Reflecting on Thoreau So often, we are led to believe that material success and financial wealth are the keys to a well-lived life, but I've come to realize that this simply isn't the case ... 2023-02-13 Reflections #Original #Idea #Reading #Thoreau
Illusion Engine 08 - Input The input module of a game engine deals with most input from users, such as the keyboard, mouse, buttons, and so on ... 2022-08-30 Game Engine #Original #C++ #Game Development #Computer Graphics
Illusion Engine 07 - ImGui Game engine editors play a crucial role in the development of video games. They provide a graphical user interface for game developers to create and manipulate game assets ... 2022-08-24 Game Engine #Original #C++ #Game Development #Computer Graphics
Illusion Engine 06 - Window In order to implement a window class, we decided to use a library called GLFW, which is usually used to create logic related to windows, events, KeyCode, and ... 2022-08-21 Game Engine #Original #C++ #Game Development #Computer Graphics
Illusion Engine 05 - Layer System The layer system is a crucial aspect of game engine design that helps separate and manage the rendering of debugging information and gameplay content ... 2022-08-15 Game Engine #Original #C++ #Game Development #Computer Graphics
Illusion Engine 04 - Event System Games are inherently event-driven. Events are things that happen during the game and you want to pay attention to, such as explosions, players being seen by enemies, picking up health packs ... 2022-08-05 Game Engine #Original #C++ #Game Development #Computer Graphics
Illusion Engine 03 - Log System To have better support for the debugging of our game engine, it is necessary to have helper modules such as a logging system built before we start to code ... 2022-08-02 Game Engine #Original #C++ #Game Development #Computer Graphics
Illusion Engine 02 - EntryPoint As we all know, every C++ program starts with a main function. However, for a game engine, the position of the main function, the structure of the program, and ... 2022-07-31 Game Engine #Original #C++ #Game Development #Computer Graphics